
In 1935/1936 the “Grana Tipico” consortium, created by the producers of Parmigiano Reggiano seated in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Mantua to the east of the Po River and Bologna to the west of the Reno River, gave to the cheese produced by Mario Boni the “great” certificate.

Mario’s sons, Palmiro and Ottavio, grew up in a full immersion with nature: fields, dairies and cowsheds.

In the 50s, they decided to open a new dairy, always working with Mario the father: Caseificio Boni Palmiro & Ottavio, which produced for more than 40 years 2174 Parmigiano Reggiano.

2174 Parmigiano Reggiano’s quality was well-known all over Italy, and it was sold in a lot of the best Milan, Rome and Napoli shops. The production started not being enough in quantity to satisfy the clients’ requests, so the Boni brothers started to buy fresh cheeses, produced by the best dairymen, to age them in their warehouse.
1985 the company became Boni P&O Srl and it started to be run by Palmiro’s and Ottavio’s sons: Mattia, Linda and Mario.

The goal of Boni P&O Srl has been since 1985 to select and refine fresh wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano, but also to commercialize the best Italian cheeses to satisfy the requests of every client. This is a difficult job, consisting of constant comparisons with the producers, of cares and clearing of the warehouse, of attention to the market needs and of careful valutations of each bought batch.

In 1994 a new building is constructed, in order to add technological controls to the aging and the packaging processes.

Thanks to all these years of constant progress, Boni P&O Srl can actually be proud of having a high quality suppliers group and a rapid and efficient way to work that allows the company to offer the best products and services to its clients.

Boni Gran Hard Cheese 4kg+/-

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Boni Grana Padano Retail Pack

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Boni Grana Padano Whole Wheel 36kg+/-

SKU N/A Categories ,

Boni Mixed Parmesan Grated 1kg

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Boni Parmigiano Reggiano Retail Pack

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Boni Pecorino Romano Dop

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Boni Provolone 4.8kg+/-

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Parmigiano Reggiano

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